Update on Americert International’s current excluded scopes, operation types and locations and times when new applications are not accepted
March 27, 2023
Periodically, Americert revisits the exclusion of certain scopes of certification, operation types, and locations. The exclusions are based upon the current capability of Americert to provide timely, efficient, and effective oversight and technical reviews of compliance with the USDA National Organic Program regulations in light of any limitations on Americert’s current administrative capacity. Current limitations and exclusions on Americert’s certification activities are as follows:
A. Limitations and Exclusions of Certain Scopes of Certification:
Americert currently certifies only under the Handler and Crops Producer scopes. Americert does not accept applications under the Livestock or Wild Harvest scopes at this time and is not accredited for these scopes.
B. Limitations and Exclusions of Certain Operation Types and Product Types:
Americert currently does not accept applications for certification for operations or products falling into the following categories:
Grower Groups
Hydroponic/Aeroponic operations (the growing of terrestrial plants to maturity in a system lacking soil and in which the primary method of nutrient management is through the application of liquid nutrients.)
Operations Producing Cannabis Crops or Cannabis Based Products or Hemp Crops Producers (The Only Exception Being Hemp Transplant Growers).
Operations or Products Which Involve CBD Oil or Cannabis Derived Products (as Distinct from Legally Authorized Hemp When Identified as Such)
Operations Irrigated with Industrial Treated Waste Water Where the Permit Allows Only Irrigation of Crops Which Are not Intended for Human Consumption
Other Operation or Product Types That Americert May Determine on a Case by Case Basis We Lack the Administrative or Technical Capacity to Review
C. Geographic Limitations and Exclusions:
In the United States, Americert currently provides certification in the following states:
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
Oklahoma Puerto Rico
South Carolina
West Virginia
Currently, Americert is offering certification in the following international regions:
Central and South America
Other Countries and Regions on a Case by Case Basis
Americert will periodically revisit and reevaluate these geographical restrictions.
D. Timing Restrictions:
Americert only accepts new applications for certification between Jan. 1st and Nov. 14th of each year. From Nov. 15th through Dec. 31st of each year, Americert does not accept new applications, as this time is devoted to accreditation related year end activities and training. Any application which is submitted during this closed period will be returned to applicant, who will be asked to resubmit on Jan. 1st or can be held in a pending status until Jan. 1st at which time it will be placed in line for review.